Apr 30, 2018

There’s something about seeing a dog riding in a car with its head out the window, tongue lapping up the breeze, that strikes a chord with pet lovers. But what we love seeing even more is that pet arriving safely at their destination.

In honor of National Pet Month in May, let’s take a look at some helpful tips for driving with pets.

1. Buckle up

It’s second nature for us to buckle our seatbelts when we get into a car. But most of us don’t bother to do the same for our pets. There are special restraint systems designed for pets that can prevent them from being thrown about the vehicle during an accident, distracting you while driving, jumping out of the car, or interfering with emergency personnel during the aftermath of an accident.

2. Take a test drive

Some pets do better than others in the car. Before embarking on a long trip with a pet, take them for just a short drive to gauge their temperament and comfort level in a car. If necessary, consult your veterinarian about any motion sickness or anxiety medication that is safe to give your pet.

3. Keep their head inside

Yes, we all love seeing a dog riding around with its head out the window. And, of course, the dog loves it too. But riding in this manner can leave your dog vulnerable to being hit by dangerous debris or harmful dirt that can get in their eyes, ears, or mouth and cause an illness or infection.

4. Break for pets  

When making a long trip, it’s important to stop every couple of hours to let your pet out for some fresh air, a little exercise, and a nice drink of water. Pets can become easily dehydrated if they are cooped up in a car all day.

5. Don’t leave them alone

Pets should not be left alone in a car, especially when it’s warm outside. The internal temperature of a parked car can rise 20 degrees in just 10 minutes in the sun and an increase of just a few degrees of a dog’s normal body temperature can result in organ dysfunction, coma, brain damage, and death.  

Drive Your Pet Safely in a Honda in Asheboro, NC

One of the best things you can do to make driving with your pet as safe as possible is to put them in a safe car. And given the safety awards racked up by Honda, you’re sure to find a new Honda car for sale in Asheboro, North Carolina that’s perfect for your pooch.